Next-gen Agrimaster

We're working on the next generation of Agrimaster!

Next-gen Agrimaster

Latest updates

The new Agrimaster will be the most significant improvement to the Agrimaster user experience and continues to be a specialised farm financial management tool helping you to maximise your farm profits and manage increasing risk.

Get hands-on and be one of the first to demo our new designs and prototypes and have your say in the process.

We’re in the early stages of development and are excited to share what we’re working on

The upcoming season of Agrimaster introduces a revolutionary approach to farm business management, encompassing three exciting phases:

Phase 1:
Budgeting redefined

Mixing the interface of a quick budgeting grid with the power of Full Budget modelling.

Phase 2:
Advanced budgeting

User-friendly production-based financial modelling.

Phase 3:
Powerful management accounting

Built specifically for complexities and benchmarking in farm businesses.

Follow the journey

We’re inviting you to follow our progress through regular video updates, connecting you directly to the development process.

Share your ideas

Contribute your feedback and explore other ideas to help us shape the next generation of Agrimaster.

Join the journey

Get hands-on, be one of the first to demo our new designs and prototypes, and have your say in the process.

Frequently asked questions

We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to provide further information.

What is the timeline for the new Agrimaster?

Given the intricacies involved in product development, we understand the anticipation for a specific release date. While we can't provide an exact date at this time, please be assured that our team is wholeheartedly committed to creating a high-quality product that meets the dynamic needs of our users.

Your engagement is crucial to us, and we want you to feel a part of this exciting journey. As progress unfolds, we will keep you in the loop with regular updates, ensuring transparency and inclusivity throughout the development process. Thank you for your patience and enthusiasm as we work towards delivering an exceptional product.

Will the new product have all the features of the current Agrimaster?

The new Agrimaster will have all the features that makes it a market leader today, while introducing a fresh interface and user-friendly design, the essence of the product remains unchanged, ensuring it continues to excel in performance. We are undergoing a significant transformation in the functionality of the product, particularly in redefining the budgeting process.

Will I be able to import my data/codes from Agrimaster 6.5 to the new product, or will I need to start from scratch?

Importing data and codes is at the front of our minds. We understand that having access to your historical data, current Code, Allocation, and Enterprise setup is essential.

We are working on ways to help you transition to our new product as smoothly as possible.

Will we be able transfer our data to-and-from other software? ie. Agworld, Excel, Xero, MYOB?

We are currently in the process of exploring options for data transfer capabilities to and from various software solutions. As we make progress in this area, we will provide updates on the developments and enhancements to facilitate seamless data interactions

Will I be able to use the new product on my Mac/laptop, or on multiple screens?

Absolutely. We’re designing the software to be hardware agnostic - this means that it should work whether you’re using Apple or Windows, with as much flexibility as you’d expect from your favourite website.

Will I need to be connected to the internet to use the new Agrimaster?

Yes, connectivity to the internet will be required to use the new Agrimaster. However, we are acutely aware of the needs of our rural and remote customers and are actively considering ways to optimise accessibility.

Will you continue to support Agrimaster 6.5?

Absolutely! You can continue to use Agrimaster 6.5 without interruption, and our team are here to support you as and when you need it.

When will I have to stop using Agrimaster 6.5?

Currently, we have no plans to discontinue Agrimaster 6.5.

We will support both products, and you will be able to transition when you feel comfortable.

There will be no interruption to your current workflow for the foreseeable future. We will update you at all times as changes occur.

Will my accountant, consultant, and I all be able to use the new software at the same time?

Collaboration is something that we are very passionate about. We are considering the simultaneous use of the new software by accountants, consultants, and users as part of our design process.