Ep 14: The impact of biosecurity on your bottom line with NT Farmers

Listen to this episode where CEO Paul Burke delves into biosecurity strategies for farmers, financial planning tips, and Northern Australia's agricultural vision.

Sep 14, 2022

In this episode we're joined by Paul Burke, CEO of NT Farmers. Paul has been a passionate agricultural advocate for over 20 years, from representing Agforce in Queensland to Northern Territory Cattlemans Association, NT Department of Primary Industry and Resources and now as the CEO of NT Farmers.

Together with David, Paul will discuss one of the hot topics in agriculture; biosecurity and how farmers and the wider community can actively manage the risks.

They will explore the strategies on how you, as a farmer, can include biosecurity into your financial planning and budgeting habits to improve your banking relationships and lower your financial risks and lending margins.

Throughout the episode, Paul helps us understand the uniqueness of Northern Australia and paints a compelling picture of his vision for the industry.

Paul Burke
CEO, NT Farmers