Ep 18: Accounting firms can successfully migrate to advisory with Profitable Partners

Join us for insights from Rob Nixon of Profitable Partners on boosting accounting firms' profitability, client retention, and navigating automation's impact.

Nov 9, 2022

In this episode, we are talking to Rob Nixon of Profitable Partners, who has been helping accounting firms improve profitability for nearly 30 years.

We discuss simple things rock star accounting firms do differently from the others that deliver them real wealth creation and sticky clients.

We talk about the double edge sword of increasing automation technology and how it is driving up productivity and lowering costs, yet it could result in a race to the bottom as it risks lowering an accountant’s understanding of their client’s business and, therefore their real needs.

This is a must-listen for any accounting firm, with a high level of wisdom and advice.

Rob Nixon
Founder, Profitable Partners