Ep 31: Episode replay – The Unbreakable Farmer's remarkable journey

Revisit "The Unbreakable Farmer" with Warren Davies, a must-hear for insights on rural mental health and farm business success.

Aug 2, 2023

In this special episode, we take a step back to revisit one of our most inspiring conversations: "The Unbreakable Farmer" with Warren Davies. Our podcast has been gaining popularity, and many new listeners have asked us which older episodes they should start with. Today, we've got the perfect one for you.

At "Boots Off, Log On," we believe that the key to success in modern farm businesses lies in getting the people side of the business right. Family, employees, and our own mental health are crucial aspects to focus on, and Warren Davies' story exemplifies this.

If you're new to the podcast, we recommend starting with this episode to gain valuable insights from Warren Davies' remarkable journey of self-discovery and success.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone who wants to learn about rural mental health and find ways to support themselves and their communities.


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TIACS offers up to 10 FREE sessions without the need for a GP referral providing mental health support to farmers, blue-collar workers and those that care about them Australia-wide.

If you or your loved ones need a yarn or support, contact TIACS by calling or texting.

0488 846 988 Mon-Fri 8am-10pm AEST.

Warren Davies
The Unbreakable Farmer