Ep 39: Why Agrifutures is starting the big carbon farming conversation with John Harvey

Explore AgriFutures’ innovative strategies with John Harvey, focusing on agriculture's impact on climate change and global food security.

Jan 17, 2024

Discover the reasons behind AgriFutures' pursuit of answers in the realm of carbon sustainability in this thought-provoking conversation with John Harvey, Managing Director of AgriFutures Australia. In this episode, John shares invaluable insights into the dynamic world of agriculture and the pivotal role it plays in addressing global challenges.

Throughout the discussion, John emphasises the dual importance of financial stability and a sense of purpose in attracting individuals to careers in agriculture. He passionately describes agriculture as the forefront of making a positive impact, from addressing climate change to ensuring food security for a growing population.

Diving into the work of AgriFutures Australia, John sheds light on their multifaceted approach. From overseeing 13 diverse industries, including rice, chicken, and honeybees, to investing in emerging sectors like truffles and hemp, AgriFutures Australia is at the forefront of innovation. John discusses their efforts to bridge the gap between local and global innovation, showcasing Australia as a testing ground for cutting-edge technologies through initiatives like evokeAG and growAG.

The conversation takes a turn towards the challenges faced by Australian farmers, touching upon the need for early access to global innovations. John addresses the concerns about the lack of a clear pathway for farmers in the journey towards carbon neutrality.

The podcast delves into the emotions and uncertainties among farmers, as well as the importance of establishing trusted sources of information.

Join us for a captivating episode as John Harvey navigates the intricate landscape of Australian agriculture, from fostering innovation to addressing the pressing challenges faced by farmers. Learn about the transformative initiatives spearheaded by AgriFutures Australia and the vision for a sustainable and innovative agrifood future.


John Harvey
MD, Agrifutures Australia